
Frequently Asked Questions about Achtung Militaria

Here’s the place to find out any answers you may have about Achtung Militaria. If there is anything not answered below, please get in touch via our contacts page.

How can you guarantee authenticity?

We are so confident in the authenticity of our items that we do not anticipate any issues with what we sell, however should you be unhappy in any way with your purchase we offer a 30 day money back guarantee.

What methods of payment are accepted?

Overseas buyers please click here to contact us for currency conversions and payment options.

Which countries do you ship to?

We will ship to any address in the world that does not have sanctions in place preventing the sale of militaria.

How long will it take for my items to arrive?

We aim to dispatch items within 24 hours of payment clearing. Delivery times are dependent on destination, but an estimate can be provided before purchase.

Do you split up and sell individual items from your 'Themed Collections'?

We compile what we think are unique themed collections of individual items designed to compliment each other. However if you are only interested in a specific item (s) we may be able to accommodate this and please contact us for further details.

Do you have a Privacy Policy?

We take your personal data seriously and our Privacy Policy can be viewed here.